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Given the last run of holiday soirees, all the excess sugar and alcohol can wreak havoc on our skin and with the New Year in full swing, here are five simple skincare resolutions to make in 2016. Trust us, your skin will thank you!

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Photo via Byrdie

Take Off Your Makeup At Night:

We all have late nights and make the mistake of getting into bed without properly washing our faces (or even at all), but makeup mixed with oil causes clogged pores which lead to breakouts (not so pretty). To avoid the situation entirely, keep a packet of makeup wipes at your bedside table – if you don’t have enough time at the sink, at least you will be removing the majority of the nights makeup in one swoop. Clear and glowing skin will thank you!

*We love Say Yes To Carrots wipes!

Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate:

It’s all we talk about here at GFMD as Dr. G is a HUGE advocate of exfoliating. Regular exfoliation (2-3 times per week) helps to remove the outer layer of dead skin cells, dirt and excess makeup/oils allowing for fresh and young skin cells to be exposed. As we enter adulthood, some of our skin cells hold on for 40, 50, even 60 days causing the skin to appear dull and lackluster. Regular exfoliation also helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and hyper pigmentation and allows for all treatment products applied onto the skin afterwards to penetrate deeper, increasing overall treatment for up to 40%. Game changer.Get scrubbing!

If you’re a pro at peels, feel free to jump right back to your favorite at-home product (just don’t overdo it—stick to only using it once or twice a week at first). If you’re a peel newbie, now is the perfect time to introduce a gentle peel into your routine. Try something with fruit acids, like Goldfaden MD’s Fresh A Peel

Clean your makeup brushes: 

Makeup and skin oils build up causing a bacteria-filled breeding ground that leads to breakouts. Aim to clean your brushes twice monthly with a lightweight (even baby) soap thoroughly and let air dry. Practicing this safe practice limits the chances of breakouts and clogged pores.

Don’t Touch!: 

It’s so tempting to pick, smudge and smear, but not only do your fingers carry tons of breakout prone bacteria, but picking can also lead to long-term scarring that is not reversible. Keep makeup wipes, blotting paper (our favorite is Tacha + adds a bit a glamour to your bag too) and keep a stress ball handy for all those moments when you think about touching your face!

Put down the sugar: 

Eating sugar causes aging. It’s as simple as that. Elle Magazine broke it down for us so easily by stating the facts “The science is this: When you have sugar molecules in your system, they bombard the body’s cells like a meteor ­shower—glomming onto fats and proteins in a process known as glycation. This forms advanced glycation end products (commonly shortened, appropriately, to AGEs), which cause protein fibers to become stiff and malformed. Much of what is known about glycation’s ill effects comes from diabetes research: The connective-tissue damage and chronic inflammation resulting from diabetics’ sustained high blood sugar can lead to debilitating conditions, such as cataracts, Alzheimer’s, vascular tightening, and diseases of the pancreas and liver.”.

Stress is a primary trigger for acne flare ups, especially surrounding arguably one of the most important days in your life, your own wedding day! When you stress the body produces excess oft the hormone cortisol which can cause overproduction of sebum, the oil producing glands which can then form pimples and inflammation. Cortisol can also cause unwanted belly fat and bloat.

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Sometimes we can’t help the stress, but here are some tips that can be controlled and help to keep your skin flawless for the BIG DAY!

Tip #1: One month out it would be beneficial to start to focus on exfoliation. Since the skin’s cycle is 28 days this is the perfect opportunity to start to remove dead, dull skin cells to reveal fresh and glowing skin. There are many at home peels and scrubs that can gentlel but effectively get your skin wedding ready! Look for peels with Lactic acid as this targets hyper pigmentation and sun damage while hydrating. Do not get any sun exposure, limit exposure to pollution such as dirty air, smoking, alcohol and drink a ton of water.

If you’re not already on a strict food regimen, start to focus on appropriate diet. Limit salt and sugar intake, increase natural colorful foods and vegetables and get as much sleep as possible. Exercise can also help to alleviate stress and get circulation going, therefore aiding against inflammation and bloat.

It’s imperative to try and not to change your normal routine, so that there are no side effects from anything new (i.e makeup, masks, scrubs etc). Appropriate rest and sleep along with no sun exposure (especially if its a destination wedding-do not be tempted). Try and keep your skin as clean as possible by cleansing appropriately and drink a lot of water.

Tip #2: Eating foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, the most beneficial being salmon, can greatly reduce inflammation, reduce dryness and increase circulation (all leading attributes to clear skin, glowing and youthful-looking skin). Staying clear of high fructose sugar, alcohol,salt and dairy will all help to keep breakouts at bay and inflammation to a minimum. It may also be wise to stay clear of any foods that are allergy causing foods, such as shellfish and nuts. If you tend to be allergy prone just remember that an allergic reaction can happen at any time for the first time. Again, if at a destination wedding do not be tempted to have the shellfish.

Tip #3: The most important thing is to NOT manipulate or squeeze the blemish, this will cause redness, swelling and possible infection. A few DIY things to try are icing the area, egg whites to dry it up, a cool tea bag and a good concealer. If you develop a severe blemish you can goto your Dermatologist and get a cortisone injection.

Tip #4: Be yourself because that is usually when you feel and look your most beautiful. Beauty comes from the inside first.


We all know that adopting a healthy diet and skincare regimen is essential for youthful, glowing and a hydrated complexion, but practicing good habits on a daily basis, away from our diet and regimen is essential to keeping our skin breakout-free and youthful-looking. Highlighted below are some of the top leading daily causes of bad skin habits.

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Photo via HealthMix 

Talking on the Phone: All those minutes spent talking on the phone (and built up bacteria) attaches to your skin and can lead to breakouts on the chin and jawline. Make sure to keep antibacterial wipes with you and clean your phone frequently. Or better yet, use a hands-free ear piece when speaking on the phone.

Dehydration: Not drinking enough water (recommended 8 full glasses per day) can lead to build up within your body as your toxins have a harder time flushing out your lymph system. Dehydration also accentuates the wrinkles in your skin (think of a raisin), so make sure to stay hydrated to keep that youthful and glowing complexion.

Hot Showers: We know that this feels so good sometimes (especially in the colder months) but hot water actually strips away all the essential oils and much-needed skin hydration at the top layers of the skin which can lead to extreme dryness, flaky and cracked skin. Turn the temperature down and limit your shower use to avoid extreme dryness.

Sleep: Making sure that you get the recommended 8 hours of sleep not only helps to keep you looking fresh and vibrant (goodbye dark circles), but it also encourages proper replenishment and rehydration of the skin; it’s like one big machine moving things out and keeping nutrients in.

Too Much Salt: Consuming too much sodium in your diet can literally suck your skin dry of all the hydrating nutrients and much-needed oils not to mention it can lead to health problems. Cut back your sodium intake and make sure your using a hydrating moisturizer or oil to replenish all hydration back into your skin.

Exercise: Are you getting enough? Regular exercise (30 min per day), increases your bodies blood flow, encourages the flushing of toxins and prevents fat build up all leading to that youthful glow and positive mood-boosting results.

*Tip: try walking up the stairs instead of taking the elevator or walking home from work instead of opting for a taxi.

Glasses: Oil and bacteria get built up on the rim of your glasses which can lead to clogged pores and blackheads on the brim of your nose. Make sure to keep a cleaning wipe with you and swipe your glasses daily to prevent breakouts.

Alcohol: We all love to celebrate from time to time, but drinking too much alcohol leads to glycation breakdown in your skins collagen – think sagging, wrinkled and dehydrated looking skin. Make sure to drink one glass of water for each alcoholic drink to outweigh the harmful sugar build up in your adult beverage.

Makeup: Try and avoid the daily heavy makeup as it leads to clogged pores and your skin can’t breath properly. It’s best to practice at least one day per week of makeup-free skin to allow for proper oxygen flow to your skin cells.

Cleansing/Exfoliation: Falling asleep at night without properly washing your skin is one of the leading causes of breakouts and dull, lackluster looking skin. Make sure to double cleanse and exfoliate regularly (2-3 times per week) to ensure that you are going to bed with a squeaky clean complexion.