Entries by lisa

Recommended daily sodium intake lowered

February is heart month and we want to share as much heart healthy information as we can with you. So everyday we will write a post about something heart related. Today, the American Heart Association lowered the recommended daily sodium intake to 2200 milligrams, which is 40% less than previously recommended. The average American consumes […]

Can vitamins keep you young & healthy?

Are vitamins and supplements going to keep you looking and feeling young? Can you reverse your actual age? Vitamins are not a new idea or craze, but what if they can really change you inside and out? After speaking to a woman I work with, who looks very young for her chronological age, I realized […]

Natural Remedies for PMS & Menopause

No one loves that time of the month or the realization that menopause is knocking on the door, but some of us have more difficulty than others. If you suffer from extreme PMS or symptoms of menopause this is for you. Before you reach for your Midol or hormone replacements, read about these natural solutions […]